Educational Psychology – What's Significant in Today's Learning Environment?


Educational psychology is much researched in recent years to further understand the student-teachers' behavior in educational settings. While students' motivation, good teachers and effective lessons remain critical in the learning environment, recent complex issues such as constructivism, out-of-school influence and classroom diversity should be taken into context. The question here is: How do constructivism, out-of-school impact and student diversity influence recent learning environment?

A topic of recent interest, constructivism, are mainly caused by situations in which education no longer revolve around educators alone. It revolves around a learner's point of view or better known as student-centred learning. Students tend to construct their own meaning and understanding of new knowledge based on past experiences or previous learning. They take on more active roles by analyzing this knowledge and to accommodate them to their current experiences. Educators must take the time to analyze the differences in the students' level of understanding and experiences before guiding them to take on the new knowledge. Simultaneously, they have to place themselves in their students' shoes to further enhance their teaching skills.

Out-of-school influence is another important issue in educational psychology. After the teachers being attentive or the learning environment deemed capable, one must consider the external factors such as families, social persons, socio-economic and cultural settings. From a very young age, most parents would have instilled the values ​​and importance of education to their children and more importantly, taken an interest to engage in their children's school activities. However, as the child develops, their social environment may come into the picture. As this may be one of the most difficult and trickiest situations, educators would have to learn to look carefully at the external environment of their students to further understand their classroom behavior.

Apart from that, the issue of student diversity is very closely related to understanding individual differences in educational settings. Students have the opportunities to learn by having schools accommodate the differences in abilities, ethnicity, origin, gender and sexual orientation. As a result, educators should take the time to study the complexity students bring to the classroom and the multi-situational contexts.


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