Category: Education

New York Interior Design Programs

There are many New York interior design programs available for the aspiring design student. If the individual wishes to be on campus then one school that offers an Associates Degree in Interior Design is...

Interior Design Schools

Interior design is one of the most interesting and rewarding fields for the creatively and artistically inclined. To become a highly respected and thought-after interior designer, you must exhibit originality and a heightened sense...

Virginia Schools Focus on Literacy Problem

Literacy has always been a problem for school systems throughout the United States. In the past, however, the impact was minimal compared to today's workplace, which requires an ever-higher level of literacy to achieve...

Teacher Salaries

It's generally understood that teacher saloons are too low. Yet teacher salines make up the bulk of education expenses in the united states, creating quite a conundrum. If teachers are paid more, education costs...