Category: Technology

Are You at a Threshold Moment?

[ad_1] We all have those times where we can just chug along in our businesses and lives … la la la la. We're good. We're happy. It's status quo at its best. And then...

Basic Guidance on Health Insurance

[ad_1] Health care providers like labs, hospitals and x-rays that our house of store which shares and access your health information with the doctors and using computers and other electronic devices makes your work...

Fahrenheit 451 Paper

[ad_1] Imagine a World Imagine a world where people prefer a TV to a spouse; a place where people who are extroverted need to see a doctor. This is the world of Ray Bradbury's...

Timeless Rules for Web Apps Development

[ad_1] Web apps are becoming more and more important for modern businesses. These apps not only give businesses a competitive edge, but also provide them with the right tools to improve their operating efficiency....

Key Steps for Patent Landscaping Analysis

[ad_1] Patent landscaping is a complete analysis of extracted data related to a particular technology domain. These data includes past and present status of that technology in corresponding market, its future insights, associated IP...

Market Technology: The Missing Link

[ad_1] Although many, aspects of Industry have morphed and changed over the last, few decades, there are several outposts that continue to find their way. In spite of technological advances, process improvements, changing Market...