Category: Technology

What Types of Online Auctions Are There?

[ad_1] I have never really given much thought to the subject of online auctions. Recently, I had the opportunity to research this subject and was rewarded with some very interesting information. Online auctions are,...

Tweaks to Speed Up Internet Streaming Video

[ad_1] The birth of “Guerilla Video” sites, such as, and have given users instant access to a plethora of free media files. Although streaming video technology offers instant access to video...

Types of Online Forums

[ad_1] A forum is basically a medium where people can exchange their ideas and views on a particular issue. It is a sort of online community where visitors can hold conversations i.e. read and...

Rich Internet Application Advantages

[ad_1] How would you characterize a Rich Internet Application (RIA); and its value for end users? Rich Internet Applications are interactive applications which can communicate over the internet but have rich user interface similar...

Understanding APK Files on Android

[ad_1] APK stands for Android package kit. This is a file format that is used by the operating system in Android for the installation and the distribution of middleware and mobile apps. The files...