<SITE_TITLE> Articles

Think Music Theory Is Too Hard? Here’s Why

[ad_1] In my opinion (as a 35+ year music professional), music theory is taught in the most confusing and painful way imaginable. One example of this, students are often confronted with multiple sets of...

3 Steps to Reducing Everyday Stress

[ad_1] YOU know the time. You’re feeling footloose and fancy-free, with tender equilibrium, and then, without warning, a flood of things comes your way to do, or some emotion-initiating event happens, and you’re undone...

MP3 & More

[ad_1] Audio compression format that uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to strip inaudible and unnecessary information from sound signals. MP3 packs a minute of sound, at near CD quality, into about 1...

Unleashing the Speaker in You

[ad_1] Having to speak in public might just as well be the experience that you desire as an individual, if you must do it well then you need to understand the rudiments before you...

SMS Daycare & Gaming

[ad_1] Using the Physical World as a Game Board. This is not Kinky Day Care! SMS stands for Short Message Service. If your children carry cell phones, or if you have an extra family...