The Law Of Nature


By now we acknowledge the elements of nature: water, wind earth and fire. Everything that exists in the universe has been built on these great interwoven patterns that create billions and billions of codes, which have emerged from the four elements. These elements would be in a constant state of chaos if it weren’t for the law of motion. Motion is the rhythmic, cyclic pulsation of radiant energy.

Not only is radiant energy found everywhere in the universe, it is also a characteristic of all living things and therefore an integral part of everyone. Even though it is hard to recognize the rational view of this theory, this is not some vague, invisible force out there in the universe; it is very real and tangible, for it exists in our bodies, and in the food we eat. Since everything is made out of four elements and these elements are all matter that is governed by motion, we could therefore say that whatever we eat reflects the characteristics of the elements, motion etc.

Even though nothing disappears into nothing, meaning that if we kill an animal, whose consciousness is different from humans, the elements are still there, and they remain until it decays through motion. It is at this point that we become aware that living things simply have better and more efficient functions than dead matter. Therefore, what we put into our bodies plays an important role and we should put into our bodies the highest quality of matter for maximum function, Lets look at the scientific viewpoint of the qualities of raw food that contribute to our bodies:

1 Raw foods contain enzymes which greatly aid in their own digestion, freeing the body’s own enzymes to do the work unimpeded of regulating all of the body’s many metabolic processes.

2 Heating food degrades or destroys these enzymes, putting the onus on the body’s own enzyme production.

3 Eating food without enzymes makes digestion more difficult, and deprives the body of enzymes, which leads to toxicity in the body, to excess consumption of food, and therefore to obesity and to chronic disease.

4 Raw foods contain bacteria and other microorganisms, which stimulate the immune system and enhance digestion by populating the digestive tract with beneficial flora.

We do not have to delve very far into esoteric writings to realize that these radical states of energy represented by raw food, correspond to the four elements of the ancients: air, fire, water, and earth. Each of these states exhibits a different mode of energy flow, ranging from swift to slow, from free to bound; but all of them are nevertheless characterized by energy in constant motion that is alive.

Even the dense matter, such as metal or stone, is in constant energetic motion, but as soon as it becomes mixed or changed from it’s nature, it starts to decay, rusts etc. Since the human body participates in this universal movement of energy (natures law), the four radical energy states must also be evident in the body, meaning eating what is natural. Indeed, the human body is designed for the transformation of energy, from its pure form as light, to its more solid, contained form as fire, and then, through electrochemical transformations, into the increasingly dense forms lights and solids.

Through metabolism and elimination, solids are once again transformed into liquids, fire (heat), and light. Therefore to put it briefly, it is so important to eat food that is in its natural state just the way nature has intended. By following nature’s formula and its laws, we will see that the closer we are to the laws of nature, the closer we are to ourselves. From this stance, positive vibrations which create happiness love and union in harmony with our surroundings are boundless and simply beautiful, as is Nature, and since we are part of this beauty, we are only invited to enjoy this beauty, but not to kill or force the formulas to change into anything else

With best wishes,



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