The Destiny of Every Writer


We are writers because we have something to say,

a statement to make, or just want to express our

innermost feelings and emotions to others that we

may never get the opportunity to meet in reality.

When we write, a part of who we are, what we stand

for, and a catalog of attributes, faults, personal values

and beliefs, and assorted personality features come

into play. We are who we are and even if we try and

change our whole personality on paper, the real shining

person behind the facade will come through. It usually

does through the language our characters use or their

choice of words, emotions, or even their descriptions.

If a friend wrote about the same scenario, or subject

matter, and tried valiantly to copy your style, it would

never be duplicated to perfection. That is why there is

only one Stephen King, and one Ernest Hemmingway.

The destiny of every writer is the legacy they leave behind

in every project they pursue, whether or not it is published.

In other words, placing a part of yourself on that piece of

paper does not detract from who you are, or make you

less of a person. In fact, it increases your awareness, as

well as your ability to bring creativity and your own unique

talent to the surface. Remember when mom always said,

Practice makes perfect – well, maybe perfection isn’t right

there before you for now, but it certainly has been awaken

like a sleeping giant and is just there lying around your crushed

discards of paper or your half-ideas that are either written or

just in your head.

It is etched in the stars and heavens above that once you get

past the initial fear or phobia of “writing” whether professionally

or just in your journal, the proverbial cat is out of the bag and

the only way around it is up. While you may encounter some

lapses in genius, or life gets in the way and you close the drawer

on unfinished manuscripts, deep in the recesses of your mind

the die has been cast and it will remain there – you can choose to

ignore it, silence it through a whirlwind of other activities, or you

can speak to it gently and close your eyes and find out what it

has to say and react then.

Writing can be a demon in the closet or an angel sitting on your

shoulder. Either way, once the egg of writing has been hatched,

your destiny will be to express yourself in ways you never thought

possible. It will open up avenues of creativity that you felt intimidated

you before, and it will make the world outside more colorful

with hues that only imagination could have brought into being.

Being a writer is your destiny and if you choose to follow it bravely,

then it will gain a life of its own by allowing you to be more sensitive

to information, people, and events. You will begin to see “possibilities”

all around you, from a simple walk in the woods to a quiet

respite on a bench in a shopping mall. Face it – that is your

destiny so enjoy the ride and never look back.

Arleen M. Kaptur

©January, 2007


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